CES Hawally Primary Curriculum Statement
We have created our own bespoke curriculum taken from the best practice in the UK and adapted it to meet the needs of our students.
Core Subjects
‘Reading into Writing’
We follow a ‘reading into writing’ approach to the teaching of English. The students will enjoy, explore and respond to quality, language-rich texts and work towards focused writing outcomes. During the course of each unit of work, they will develop their:
Spoken language
Reading comprehension
Writing composition
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
The students will follow a structured and integrated approach to studying grammar, comprehension and spelling. This is linked to the ‘reading into writing’ approach and includes stand-alone, discrete lessons when required.
Students in Year 1 and Year 2 (and in Year 3 where required) will follow a structured approach to learning phonics, based on the Letters and Sounds systematic programme from the UK. This approach aims to build children’s speaking and listening skills and prepares them to learn to read and write.
We follow the White Rose Maths scheme and will be incorporating the Power Maths scheme, which is used by many schools in the UK.
Our focus is on developing mastery in mathematics, through concrete (using practical hands-on resources), pictorial (using diagrams to represent concepts and calculations) and abstract (written computation and recording) approaches.
Link to Maths calculation policy:
We follow the English National curriculum for Science, adapted for our students in Kuwait. Students learn through practical experiments, supported by a structured scheme to reinforce concepts.
Foundation Subjects
Art, Computing (ICT) and Music
Students access Art, ICT and Music lessons, allowing them opportunities in different mediums, developing an array of skills within a classroom environment. These creative ideas can have a positive impact on their learning in core subjects. Moreover, these foundation subjects can provide an opportunity to apply skills developed in core subjects.
In Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6, students have French lessons, developing their knowledge of the basics of a modern European language.
Kuwait Social Studies (KSS)
In Year 5 and Year 6, the students access weekly lessons for KSS following the curriculum provided by the Ministry of Education.
Physical Education (PE)
We encourage our students to be active learners to maintain a healthy lifestyle and have a positive outlook on their physical well-being. As well as PE lessons, students are encouraged to join after-school clubs and we have several sports teams that represent the school in tournaments.
We follow a thematic approach to the teaching of local and global history and human and physical geography. These subjects are linked, where possible, to other areas of the curriculum.
Assessment and Reporting in Primary
In Primary, we carry out on-going teacher assessment to ensure the learning planned meets the needs of the students. Parents are informed of their child’s progress in two Parent – teacher days and through a written report twice a year. If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, you are encouraged to contact their class teacher.
Link to National Curriculum for England