An Interview with
Elio Maroun
Class of 2019

When did you leave CES?
I graduated from CES in 2019
What have you been up to since leaving?
At first I joined the AUK based in Salmiya, Kuwait for my foundation in a Bachelor’s of Computer System Engineering. Furthermore, commencing the years 2020-2022, I have joined Nottingham Trent University located in Nottingham, UK, where I resumed my studies in Computer System Engineering and completed my international first year and my 2nd year. I'm now going into my final year.
Where are you currently based?
I am currently based in Nottingham, UK.
What’s your favourite memory of CES?
My senior year and all the events that came with it such as- Enterprise day, pink day, the black and white dinner and many more.
What advice would you give to someone joining CES?
Use it to your maximum, it’s more than you think and very helpful, enjoy every second of it and what it offers because it’s once in a lifetime.